Latest News On Computers Processors


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Intel's Penryn Montevina to battle out AMD's Puma Griffin

Cut neck rivalry pushes the company’s to put in their best efforts to lure the users. But with Intel and AMD, the things seem a bit opposite. The most awaited chips by both the companies are a bit late to arrive in the market.Market was waiting for arrival of Intel’s Montevina and AMD’s Puma Griffin mobile platforms which has changed the shape of the notebooks shipping during the summer break. Both are equipped with an integrated 3D graphics boost, smooth HD video handling in all formats, 802.n wireless and more.Intel’s chip are faster on CPU front with 25 per cent clock advantage on the dual core front as Core 2 mobile Penryn exceeds 3GHz and seems to come in market soon.Also the chips support DDR3-1066 memory. With the soon to launch Intel’s Penryn Montevina and AMD’s Puma Griffin, the two rivals are again head to head.Comparative Technical Specifications for AMD’s Puma Griffin are:CPU int 11418 MIPSCPU fp 12008 MFLOPSMultimedia int 23.82 MPixel/sMultimedia fp 13.79 MPixel/sInter-Core Bandwidth 1.77 GB/sInter-Core Latency 176 nsALU Power Performance at 25 fps 2529 MIPSInt Buff'd iSSE2 Memory Bandwidth 5.96 GB/sFloat Buff'd iSSE2 Memory Bandwidth 6.12 GB/sMemory (Random Access) Latency 151 nsComparative Technical Specifications for Intel’s Penry Montevina:CPU int 12491 MIPSCPU fp 11758 MFLOPSMultimedia int 28.68 MPixel/sMultimedia fp 16.50 MPixel/sInter-Core Bandwidth 4.98 GB/sInter-Core Latency 85 nsALU Power Performance at 25 fps 4910 MIPSInt Buff'd iSSE2 Memory Bandwidth 5.50 GB/sFloat Buff'd iSSE2 Memory Bandwidth 5.49 GB/sMemory (Random Access) Latency 96 ns

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