While VIA is known more as a chipset manufacturer than anything else, the company has had its own line of x86-based processors for a while now. You might remember the company briefly reviving the 'Cyrix' processor brand back in 2000, before moving on to its own 'C3' processors a year later. While the C3 did not do particularly well in the marketplace, VIA's processors were notable for one major reason; they were (and are) extremely cool running and economical on power. One of the selling points of the original C3 was that it could be easily run using passive cooling only, and so it found some following for embedded-type applications.
VIA recently announced plans for another in the 'C' line of processors, this time dedicated to mobile use. The VIA C7-M is the mobile version of the C7 processor which was released in May of 2005. The VIA C7-M is slated to become available in November 2005 in speeds of 1.5GHz or 1.8GHz. During a recent briefing by the company, PCSTATS was shown the CPU in its A2 stepping.
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